Its been about nine years since I wrote on this precious blog
so we’ve got a lot to catch up on. Since I’m such a procrastinator and am
worried that my mom’s going to pester me about not writing her appearance in
Madrid yet I’m going to be doing a lot of fast forwarding in this post. If that’s
not your style you might want to get out before it’s too late.
While my roommates decided to have a romantic getaway to the
land of the Irish, I deemed myself the luckiest girl in the world because my
parents and one of my sisters ventured all the way to EspaƱa (and then to
London and back to Spain again).When they arrived, I hurriedly ran to the metro
where I found my ten minute ride would soon become almost an hour long because
line 3 was broken (later found out, thanks to Renatta, that it was indeed not
broken, just on the opposite side of where we usually go.)
However, FINALLY I got to the
apartment where the fam was staying and rushed to hug and lay on a couch and
just be still. After my dad and sister “well deserved” naps, we ventured out to
show the wonders of Mad City. We walked all around and ended up at Plaza Mayor;
and of course had to take pictures standing in the same place we stood exactly
12 years ago when my oldest sister, Lauren studied here in Madrid. Those
members of the family that weren’t along for the ride because of those
inconvenient “job” things should know that they were (and are) greatly missed.
Fast forward to dinner at a small Spanish tapas bar where my
horrendous (yet improving) Spanish turned out to be beneficial when the owner
continued to say “cuatro chupitos!” my father, thinking this nice man was
offering the check said yes please. This was when I had to step in because my
father had just unknowingly got four shots of God knows what for us. Before the
man could walk to the two steps from our table to the bar I asked “gratis?”
(aka free) and he replied with a laugh and “si si!” and then something about Americans.
![]() |
not sure how my parents feel about my Spanish skills pertaining to chupitos... |
FF to catching a flight to London, England aka one of the
coolest places ever.
EVERYONE WAS SAYING! How fun, I could eavesdrop again and I had to watch what I
said around strangers! My love for London is borderline obsessive and in no way
am I ashamed. Our time in the lovely land of the Brits was spent dodging
rainstorms and fighting with umbrellas.
We got to visit Churchill’s War Rooms, the London Eye, Big Ben,
Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, the Palaces, and many other picturesque sites.
However, the favorite stop of Cait’s was inevitably Platform 9 & ¾ at
King’s Cross Station, made famous by the Harry Potter series. Here, it is
literally someone’s job to hold a scarf out of range for a picture. What a
life. One of my favorites was the Fashion Rules exhibit in Kensington Palace where gowns of royals including Princess Diana were showcased. Our hotel, St. Ermins, was a perfect place and FAR from the norm of what
I’ve become accustomed to. You can bet your bottom dollar that I soaked up all
that that place had to offer including the robes, slippers, and of course tea.
The last morning in London was spent wandering to Abbey Road and trying to
recreate the famous Beatles album cover before our flight back to Madrid.
Dad didn't get the memo |
Leaving London was a sad sad day. Not only did it mean I had to
leave a city I fell absolutely in love with, but it also meant that little time
remained with my family. After the main events of my mom falling out of a cab
and a Spanish shuttle driver replying “20 minutes” to my fathers question about
the engine (language barrier? What language barrier?!), the last hours were
upon us.
Seeing my family was absolutely perfect. I honestly have no
words to describe how grateful and happy it made me. The goodbyes were almost
harder the second time but rest assured, parents, I am coming back to America
someday. However I couldn’t help but realize how immensely different traveling
is with different people aka parents VS broke ass college kids.
Traveling with parents:
Whats a budget?
Whats a hostel?
“if you want it, get it”
Traveling with other college students:
“that costs HOW much?!”
“18 person hostel? Whatever, its cheap.”
“I love it but maybe I’ll just take a picture of
it instead of spend more money”
FF through another week of school (nothing remarkable happened)
and to the trio splitting up once again. This time, Laura and Renatta held down
the fort in Madrid while I met 2 friends, Mo and Kelly at the airport to fly to
Barcelona to meet our friend Hannah who is currently studying in Bolgona,
Once again, a weekend with tastes of home while still being in
Europe was the perfect combination. Barcelona is all that its cracked up to be
and more. The weather was just as beautiful as the architecture. Within minutes
of seeing each other, we received a noise complaint from the hostel man (or as
Kelly deemed him, the Shh-er Nazi). Our time is Barcelona was extremely short
but we managed to pack in a shocking amount. We started by searching for the
Gaudi houses and his stunning architecture as well as Park Guell.
However, I would just like to pause and take a moment to
elaborate on how perfect La Sagrada Familia is. Antonio Gaudi is a man among
men and if you ever have the chance to see his work, you absolutely must. Both
Mo and I bought posters of the beautiful place and I can’t wait to hang it up
and kiss it everyday. In an attempt to muster up words to describe this holy
structure Hannah said it best, “it’s not a building. I think it is a physical
kiss from God given in the form of a church to all of humanity.” The basilica
is still a work in progress and has continued to evolve after Gaudi’s passing. In 2026, it is projected to be completed and believe me
I’m already planning my trip back.
Later on we made it to one of Barcelona’s largest markets where
we gazed at the mounds of candy, downed organic fruit juices, and saw some less
than appetizing sites of animals I didn’t even know could be eaten. A few
snacks and some retail therapy we decided to make moves back to the hostel to
get ready for a night out. Apparently, it was a big day in Barcelona and no one
told us until shouting men and women carrying posters and flags blocked the
streets. However, when I recognized the flag of Catalonia (not Spain) I was
ecstatic because I could tell the girls all about what I have been learning
about in my Spanish Anthropology and Culture class (Nerd Alert). I asked a
street vendor about his views on the upcoming referendum (basically Catalonia,
a region in Spain, wants to split from Spain and enter the European Union as an
independent nation for a multitude of reasons I wont go into) he was taken
aback by my knowledge and went into a spiel As said best by a street vendor,
“this is Catalonia. Not Spain. We do too much and they do too little.” Our eventful trip was deemed even more
eventful when the quad became the trio and we lost Kelly. I kid you not, our
second night in Barcelona (Kelly’s second night in Europe) will forever be
known as “The Night We Lost Kelly.” Thankfully, all ended up peachy and we can
laugh about it soon because what’s a trip to Barcelona without good food,
shopping, and losing a best friend for a few hours? Barcelona was a great taste of Spain
that isn’t Madrid and I couldn’t be happier that I got to experience it with
friends from home. As Mo, Kelly, and I headed off to the airport we were almost
speechless at just how impeccable the weekend was and the sheer joy of being
around our dear friends that we’ve missed.
I have questioned my decision to come abroad more times than
not, and these past few weekends have really been a reality check in the best
of ways for me. I am reminded constantly just how lucky I am to be in this
position. The time spent with my parents, sister, and friends in London and
Barcelona have me overwhelmed with gratitude. Physically being able to hug my
parents, hear my sister laugh and be able to sit and catch up (too loudly
according to the Shh-er Nazi) with my beautiful friends was exactly what I
needed. Thinking back to first arriving in Madrid gives me the butterflies and
knowing that our time here is halfway over is mind blowing. However, apparently
this “studying” part of study abroad is actually important. So while I’m off to
do that LC and Natta are off to Valencia to beach it up at Las Fallas Festival.
Updates to come on what will be their second romantic getaway and my solo
dinner with Izzy with the dictionary most likely by our sides so we can communicate.
Xoxo MalPal